Call for Papers: Taiwan



28 July 2020

To compliment our usual range of articles focused on politics and international relations in the Indo-Pacific, 9DASHLINE will now spotlight a country or issue each month.

In August, we invite articles covering all topics relevant to Taiwan’s contemporary domestic politics and its external relations. In addition to original commentary on its relations with the US and China, we would also welcome articles exploring topics such as democracy and national identity in Taiwan, its political leadership and priorities, trade and economic relations, and its role in regional and global politics more broadly.

If you would like to write for us on any of these themes, please email a brief pitch clearly outlining the focus and argument of your proposed article.

We like to work closely with our writers to help develop pieces. Please do not submit full articles.

Please submit your pitches to and include the following in the subject line of your email: Pitch: [Subject].

Thank you
